We will assist you with compliance with all the relevant VAT legislation in the Czech Republic and abroad while executing international transactions. We will advise you on how to pay VAT by the deadline and will ensure the VAT return filed by the Client is formally correct.
We will assist you with VAT registration and VAT administration, will prepare VAT returns and keep VAT records, or we will review the returns prepared by your employees. We will advise you on the correct application of VAT rates, will review the VAT aspects of individual transactions, and will provide suggestions on how to obtain maximum VAT savings.
We will clarify all ambiguities or difficulties in the interpretation and application of customs and excise duties and tariffs. We will assist you with the correct application of tariff classifications, advise on the correct application of individual customs, help with applying for exemptions or customs or tax refunds, as well as with applying for customs relief as a part of investment incentives.
We will also assist you with excise duty registration, setting the correct administrative procedures, and meeting customs compliance and legal duties.