Other changes
Introduction of the "functional currency"
The possibility to keep accounting records in a currency other than the Czech currency has been introduced; the currency may be the euro, the US dollar or the British pound, in addition to the Czech crown, provided that this currency is also the functional currency of the accounting entity (i.e. the currency of the primary economic environment of the entity). A change in the accounting currency may be made only on the first day of the accounting period in question.
Extension of measures concerning Ukraine
The current provisions in respect of the situation in Ukraine have extended for 2023 under the existing conditions.
Tightening of the rules on contractual work
The rules for work based on contracts for work in relation to the payment of insurance premiums have been tightened, abolishing the fixed limit of CZK 10,000 for the employee's participation and for the application of withholding tax, and introducing two new participation limits.